Drop Off Shredding Cost and Procedure

For low-volume shredding done on your schedule, the drop-off shredding option is tough to beat. Drop-off shredding services are a convenient and affordable method for secure document destruction. With local providers in just about every city, you can find a drop-off location near you. In this blog, we’ll go over the drop-off shredding cost and the procedure to make the process as easy as possible.

Why Choose Drop-Off Shredding?

The benefits of drop-off shredding services include the option of securely shredding your documents in an impromptu schedule. If you find that you have a few minutes to drop by a drop-off shredding provider, you can do so.

Other benefits include the low price of shredding, with papers usually being weighed so you only pay for exactly how much you shred, and the convenience of drop-off shredding locations all across the nation.

How Drop-Off Shredding Works

Drop-off shredding services are quite simple. Once you have gathered all your papers for shredding, search to find the closest drop-off shredding location near you and head in that direction. These locations are all drop-in and do not require an appointment made beforehand.

Finding a drop-off shredding location is easier than ever with the Shred Nations directory. We partner with multiple locations in just about every city that provides drop-off shredding.

Once you find your nearest drop-off location, the professional handler will weigh the papers and charge you the appropriate amount. They are then kept in secure, locked bins until they are ready to be shredded. Then, your papers are destroyed and kept out of identity theft hands.

Drop Off Shredding Cost

As mentioned earlier, with drop-off shredding, you only pay for what you shred. When you arrive at the location, they will weigh your papers which will reflect the cost of your shredding.

On average, drop-off shredding service providers will charge about $1 per pound of paper. One pound of paper equates to about 100 sheets. If you need assistance calculating your shredding project, check out our paper shredding conversion tool.

A banker’s box is a common method of storage for many homes and businesses. One banker’s box is equivalent to about 30 pounds of paper. However, if you have more than three boxes, consider the mobile shredding or off-site shredding service instead.

Tip: If you need help deciding which shredding service is best for your workload, try out the Shredding Wizard.

Find Shredding Services Near You Through Shred Nations

Shred Nations works with a nationwide network of drop-off shredding providers to make it fast and easy to find a location to securely shred your documents at a low cost. To find a drop-off shredder near you, use our Shred Nations Directory or give us a call at (800) 747-3365.